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venerdì 29 novembre 2013


Ciao Guys!
Few days ago surfing on Facebook, it happens to find out a post of a Friend of mine, where he was complaining about the graffitti nightmare on a train..
and today I find out this AMAZING video on Youtube..
When you see this kind of things,what you want is only come back in your workyard and WORK!!!!

Shot/Cut: Selina Miles.
Art by Sofles, Fintan Magee, Treas, Quench.
Soundtrack by DJ Butcher (track-listing below).

I hope you find it inspiring as it happened to me!

Hysteria Yard Team

giovedì 28 novembre 2013


Ciao Guys!
What I'm introducing is a beautiful bust by JMD, that I find out really funny to paint.

The color palette I used was very different and quite unusual for me and it was as follows:
- Green overseas Allegro
- Bluette Allegro
- Bordeaux Allegro
- Bright green Allegro
- Yellow Allegro
- Orange Allegro
- Yellow green Vallejo model color
- Dheneb stone Games workshop

I used also this following 5 ink by Pelikan 
- Light green
- Vermillion
- Yellow
- Ultramarine
- Sepia

For this model as well as the "strange" palette, I wanted to try a different technique, esactly the " wet blending", which involves the use of color very diluted so as to mix it directly on the model , thus creating extremely soft shades.

I started with a base of Green overseas Allegro throughout the piece, and then I worked on individual sections, trying to blend by bordeaux to yellow through bright green, blue and orange, and trying to maintain at the same moment a cold effect on the pieces.
My idea behind it was to try to recreate an iridescent color that recalls the great mimicry skintone of a real octopus.

For the tentacles lower parts I chose a warm color fading from red to yellow to contrast as well the skin tone and to create a better frame around the face.

After that, (except for the details like eyes, suckers  and plaques on the top of the head) I painted the whole piece with pelikan inks trying to create a better blend with underlying colors , this is just because Allegro colors finishing is very dull and I wanted a extremely glossy skintone.

The head plaques effects are made almost entirely with pelikan ink, on an acrylic base of GW Dheneb stone I really stippled the Sepia ink focusing most of the color in the shadows zone and once dry the first layer of ink I spreaded the inks Ultramarine and Light green and at the end I passed a gloss lack to increase the glossy effect

In conclusion, I have to admit that is good get out of the "own safe zone" to try new techniques and colors rarely used and , in addition to being fun , the changing improves ourself and evolves own techniques.

Here's the link to:
for those who want to support me by voting and commenting .

I hope that this little explaination of my techniques will be useful.
Guys see u in the next piece!

Andrea "R.I.P." Nicolini

martedì 26 novembre 2013

Walking Dead Bust

Hi everybody..
I just write two words on the painting of "Walking Dead bust, the "Zombie" by G.A.St.Art.
I'm sorry but I have no Wip pics 'cause I painted this model during the course I gave in Liguria last October to show the techniques I used at the participants.

1st STEP - I started stretching the acrylic base with airbrush ,as always a semi-gloss black base where I gave the first light using a mix of warm and cold tone to differentiate the various parts.
I have to say that this stage will be almost completely erased during the brush painting job but I really need to have a general idea of the work and the volume.
After for zenithal light, I used a neutral color (khaki to be precise) with a 20% of cold gray.

2nd STEP- After applying the acrylic base, I worked only on the area of the skin tone with oil colors using a mix of 5 colors: Mars Yellow, Prussian Blue, Van Dyke Brown, Cadmium Red and Titanium White.
Through marked nuances and variations of colors I tried to recreate a rotten flesh tone based yellow/ green with shades of red/ purple for the more festering areas.

3rd STEP - Once the oil layer was dried I went to resume the various areas of the shirt and skin tone with acrylic colours to create textures finishing and to increase the finals lights.

4th STEP – When the light and the shadows were finally fixed, it was time to “DIRT” model!
For this operation I used the inks of Winsor&Newton to simulate blood and to highlight the most shiny areas of the flesh.

At the end I added a bit of pigments to deteriorate the shirt and a few strands of glue to the organic flows!

I hope you enjoy the work because I had really a lot of fun to paint!

Thanks for your attention and as alway I recommend..PLAY WITH COLORS!!!

Here's the link to:
for those who want to support me by voting and commenting .

Max "Amon" Richiero

lunedì 25 novembre 2013

Pirate of Tortuga 1660

Ciao Guys .
I'm here to present the last piece I done:

Pirates of Tortuga 1660 by Andrea Miniatures

Starting, I applied as usual the GW black primer followed by a couple of airbrush sprays in the zenith with Andrea flat white color .
For the pants, I gave a coat of Andrea Flat White, and I shaded with various ocher and khakhi colours. I kept the white base as the maximum light working mostly on the shadows.
I did the dirty mapping on the pants with a gray mixed with a touch of so diluited acrylic brown colour, and then I add an ocher tone to harmonize all together.

The skintone base date is airbrushed with a mix of VMC ( Vallejo Model Color) Beige Red + VMC Meduim Fleshtones, with a compound of 50/50 plus just a pinch of Andrea Navy Blue.
After I putted light adding a bit of VMC Khakhi and VMC Pale Sand on my medium tone, more and more until I reached the maximum light, using only pure VMC Pale Sand.
As for the shadows, I used a VMC natural Sienna with the addition of a little bit of red followed by VMC burnt sienna on the deepest shadows.
To finish the skintone I gave also a bit of tone on the lights with a pair passages before with GW camo green glazes and then with VMC Ochre, instead I cooled a bit the deepest shadows with a shade of bluish purple.

At the end, for the lower part of the model I just applied some different ocher pigment powder fixing with an acrylic resin.

And here's the link to:
for those who want to support me by voting and commenting .

See Ya!!!!

Samuel "SAM" Diociase

domenica 24 novembre 2013

Painting a set of stairs

Hello folks,

Today I want to show you how I quickly painted a set of stairs for an incoming historic scene featuring two Guides (you may remember the two guys in blue a few weeks ago).

The biggest problem was preparing the steps and the other pieces since they had quite few problems of fittings.

Here's the pictures in a cronological order.

And the final product is this.
The picture under a too strong light....

....and one during the final light of the day. I am still not sure if I will apply a satin finish to the steps or a mix of matte and satin and clear finish on the various elements.
Obviously the vase will contain flowers and I will apply various effects with pigments. But only after the pieces are in place.

domenica 17 novembre 2013

ABOUT US - Interview: New Member Sam

Hi Guys

In the last few days on Facebook, it were surfing a snapshot about the HysteriaYard new member..

Today we are so pleased to interview him, as always Amon prepare 5 simple questions, just to know his beard..

Present yourself: name, surname, age, nickname and the reason behind it.
Ciao , my name is Samuel Diociase.
I'm 32 years old and I don't have a real nickname, I'm signed on internet spots as SamD ( a simple diminutive of the name plus the first letter of my last name ), but at the end , everybody just call me Sam.

How long have you been painting? Why did you start?
My "history" as miniatures smearer began in 2000.
In this period some friends of mine were playing Warhammer, and at the end they pulled me into (If I have to say the truth I did much resistance).
It was like that I kept the brushes on my hands.
The adventure , however, was short-lived because an unhappy external causes, so I dropped everything only one year later.
The fate later ( after 12 years) wanted me to remember how much I enjoyed painting miniatures and so , in 2012 , I started shyly.
But only by January 2013 , supported by Francesco "Franciuus" Farabi I'm trying to work with a totally different but more sensible approach of the past. Before then I just wandered into complete darkness .
So to answer to your question, overall it would be three years.

Who's your favourite painter/sculptor? Who's your inspiration?
To avoid a list of dozens and dozens of painters and sculptors that I love, I just say only two:
- Franciuus for the painting.
AlanCarrasco for the sculpture.
- For the inspiration instead I turn to Fabrizio "Rusto" Russo, an exceptional artist, painter and sculptor who really dares and experiments without fear of failure .
Now if you want I can list you the others dozens of painters and sculptors that I love? No, it's better pass to the next question..

Do you have a particular piece? What's your favourite?
No, I don't have particular pieces particular to refer, but there are really many pieces that in each there is something that inspires me : who for the complexion , who for freehand , who for the atmosphere and for the tones and so on.
About my favorite piece , backing by MSS 2013 I can surely say it's the Jack in the Plucker a character by Brom, made real by the couple Palacios - Rusto. Wonderful in all its aspects. 

Can you show us some piece?
Einstein da Big Mek

Prosper The Avalonian Recruit

Festus The Leechlord

Heilmut Von Bauer

Pirate of Tortuga, 1660’s

Happy that now also Sam is joing the Team, we are waiting for his next work on this channel.
Here you can watch his gallery on Putty and Paint and here on CMON
Stay tuned!

Hysteria Yard Team
Interview by Max "Amon Chakai" Richiero

sabato 16 novembre 2013

Capitaine de la Garde

Hello Guys

And after a very long inaction due to commitments household , family and work , I'm presenting my latest work .

The miniature in question is the Goblin Captain of the guard, one of the few brilliant fantasy pieces by MMA an Italian company, well known for historical miniatures.
The piece is designed and sculpted by Carmine "Thor" Giuliano and well painted by Andrea "R-I-P" Nicolini (one of the fools of our team).

The miniature is a goblin,orc with a lot of ork features , so I immediately thought of the old colored stuff on Cry Havoc and the pictures of Paul Bonner and Adrian Smith.
For once I 'm just focused on painting of this piece, avoiding changes (because it is very complete , well detailed , and it got surfaces that can be interpreted in any way ), but experiencing the blisters of medicines to mix the color (technique learned by Matteo "Mù" Murelli during a course this summer ) and using a new range of acrylic paints ( at least for me) and above all having a great time to build from scratch the ambience with chalk.

I hope you like my 
"Capitaine de la Guards"

And here's the link to:
for those who want to support me by voting and commenting .

In few day also the SBS about the goblin always in this channel..

Cesare “Trevis_11” Trevisiol