Hello guys
this is the first of many reviews I would like to propose you about the wonderful world of graphics.
Infact one of the many things I invest money in is buying artbooks whenever I can afford.
The one I present you is the latest I bought on the internet: Gorilla Artbook vol.1 by CFSL Ink.
I discovered their blog just recently http://www.cfsl-ink.com/fr/blog and they are amazing.
I regularly check the news and even though most of the events and news regards the french country, I still enjoy most of the things they show me.
The book presents itself very well. It stands at 256 pages, hardcover and great paper, some kind of very high quality glossy paper ( I am no expert regarding paper but it offers a great sensation both visually and tactilly).
The works are divided in categories.

Gorilla Artbook is not like Spectrum ( another series I will write you about in the future): there are no Big names like Donato Giancola, James Gurney, Frank Cho, M.W.Kaluta (i could write for an hour)...
Here you can find many lesser known (I speak personally in somber ignorance) artists and some unknown. But what Spectrum offers in commercial and more market oriented works (in the sense that most of those works are commissions), this book offers more freedom and fresh looks.
In fact some of the works seems more like very elaborate sketches while others are complete. That's something you don't really need worry about. Every work is great and inspired.
Since I want you to consider buying this book, I will offer you some pictures and then a few links.

Andrea "Kraan" Buratta
Article and Pics by: Andrea "Kraan" Buratta
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