venerdì 15 febbraio 2013

Workyard by Amon 15-02

Hi Guy!
These are my current WIPs:

Two for the next Golden Demon, one Hulk by Knight Model and a little conversion...

 (Using acrilycs, pigments and inks)

I gave the basecoat with the airbrush on the Knight Model's piece. Now I am working it with inks and acrilycs. I just made a little conversion, I removed the torn shirt from the shoulders and I placed him on some destroyed concrete just as he landed after one of his gigantic jumps. The effect was realized with gypsum and then placed with some pins. " HUUUUULK SMMAAAASH!!!"

The Knight on the left is almost done, a simple conversion, and the painting is almost finished. I just have to create the base. Got any ideas?

The model in the bottom center is just started, I just gave the base skin color with the airbrush. It will the single 40k entry for next GD.

Now I go painting! See ya!
Max “Amon” Richiero

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