Hello Guys
This is the last piece that with a lot
of pleasure I had in my hands.
I don't want repeat what my colleagues already wrote, but I can only say you have to got it in your hand,
the signature of Mariano Numitone style is simply amazing!
The piece is really enjoyable to paint
and despite the "simplicity" it leaves much space for
hundred interpretations.
Talking about my version, I started
doing a bit of research and in the end I opted to try a middle
eastern skintone keeping it enough on warm and brown tones.
I did a bit of effort, being the first
attempt on it, but I'm quite happy about the result.
For the cloak and turban I chose black
colour, where I overdid the lights with grey to give the impression
of sunburned fabric, and at the end I gave a slight haze of yellow
ink to increase this effect.
For the "scarf " around the
face, the choice fell on a cold color (turquoise ) to frame the face
and at the same time to enhance the warm skintone. For the light I
deliberately desaturated enough just because I just want it as
neutral element of the bust, so favoring the face.
On the jacket I used as a mid tone a
brown colour, lightened with ivory colour on the lights and darkened
with black colour on shadows. At the end I gave some washing of Sepia
and burnt sienna ink by pelikan to saturate it a bit.
Thanks for your attention.
for those who want to support me by voting and commenting .
See you
with the next job.
Andrea "R.I.P." Nicolini