lunedì 4 marzo 2013

Review: "Miniature Painting" with Jeremie Bonamant Teboul Vol. 2

Hello fellow readers
today I will talk you about the latest DVD by Jeremie Bonamant Teboul.
"Miniature Painting" with Jeremie Bonamant Teboul
Volume 2: Wet blending and freehand

I bought this on my trip to Lugdunum 2013 and tried to watch everything whenever I had 20 minutes free.
For those who does not already know what wet blending is, let me briefly explain: you mix two or more colors directly on the miniatures blending the two with your brush while they are still wet so that theoretically you can make a perfect blend in a short time.

Technical infos: around 240 minutes (4 hours),
Format: Multizone (PAL, SECAM)
Languages: French (voice of Jeremie Bonamant), English (other)
Subtitles: French, Italian, Spanish, English, German
The video quality is good but not HD quality. I watched my copy on a 21" screen and while the colors were right (I saw the originals miniatures) the definition was not exceptional. So I tried to watch it on my laptop (15") and it was allright.
Remember, we are talking about HD quality versus normal.

Contents and Review
The DVD is the second in a series of DVD's about painting (maybe more DVD in the future?) called Miniature Painting.
This one focuses on Wet blending and has a chapter for freehand.
The dvd is divided in:
1- Introduction (5'13'')
2- Miniatures and Materials (1'27'')
3- Minotaur (2h15')
4- Rhymaiss (34'08'')
5- Athena (55'50'')
6- Bonus (3'58'')

Tha introduction is Bonamant that makes a few presentations and explains his ideas about the DVD.

The second is the list of the necessary supplies to apply the technique to your pieces.

The real meat is in chapter 3 to 5.

The Minotaur chapter is the main event, it is the main piece used for explaining the technique and the philosophy behind it. It's very long and well articulated in many steps.
Beware that the order presented is the same of the painting so you will not see things already painted while doing something else (for example a painted face while the trousers are still unpainted). This way of working can be difficult to follow if you are not prepared and can cause a few problems if your painting is schematic and rigid (I had a few problems following the dynamic since I am very strict and rigid in my works) since Jeremie's method can be described as "free as you wish".
The chapter is, thank God, divided in subchapter so that you can break the view and cogitate every phase.
Ah, yes, the painting covers the axe and the shield too.
Some of you may dislike the result (eh?!) or the colours chosen but it's just to show you the technique.

The chapter of Rhymaiss is incredible if you are interested in painting wet clothes (preferably on girls) because of water or other substances. One note of demerit is that the piece is not completed on the DVD so you have to do it yourseld. Beware of the mess you can create using this technique.

The Athena Chapter is about "quick" freehand on shields (obviously It can be adapted on every surface) but still realizing catchy and pleasant decorations that can really make stand up your piece.

The Bonus is about a guy, maybe too crazy (I'd never have the courage or more precisely, I would enjoy the view instead of painting since you can fall down and die....;) )

For those of you who doesn't speak English or French, or those who prefers reading while listening, the DVD offers you 5 different languages to choose from.
The subtitles are quite good, with few errors. The timing is almost always right and they have a good dimension. One problem is the colour of the subtitles. Since they are white sometimes they go over light parts of the video and you stop reading.
Apart from that the translations ( I am sure about the Italian, French and English version) are very well done. They are clear, intellegible and only in a few instances there could have been a terminology problem.
If any of you that speak and read german and spanish can comment, I'd really like to know how are these translations.

I would also like to point out a thing I have already heard people talking about on the Internet and in person: the references throught this video of the previous DVD.
You who are going to buy this DVD are NOT required to buy the previous volume. Obviously few of the fundamentals used in this one are required and explained in the first one but the truth is this work could be a stand alone.
Infact I believe that this video is not intended for the newbies or the GWkiddie. You have to know how to handle a brush, you have to know a few terminology and you must have the desire of improving.
Yes, you buy this kind of products if you want to improve your painting and not to learn how to paint 4,000pt army in one week.
Yes, sure, you can use this technique for painting armies in a fast way ( I myself used this to quickly paint some units) but the main reason I bought this DVD was the idea of improving my way of painting big surfaces in a different way.
So, don't fret of things whenever Jeremie refers to the other DVD. You can easily deduce them for yourself.

I recommend buying this DVD. You can find it on Figone.
Here u are the teaser directly by Figone website:

I can say that it's a nice deal and a good addition to your references, manuals, books, dvds...

Good viewing!

Andrea "Kraan" Buratta
Article and Pics by: Andrea "Kraan" Buratta 

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