domenica 17 febbraio 2013

Workyard by Trevis 17-02

Good evening guys!

And while outside the sun is going down, I can say that my weekend is finished ..
so what better way to pass the time listening some good music, cleaning home and ordering my Workyard and my ideas.
Sitting on the chair between a cup of coffee and a cigarette, they come to the surface all the projects that I have not even started.

But back to reality..I think the fact that there are only 4 days to my trip to Lyon.
..and as always my list of miniature to bring to the competition is shortened.

then reorganizing the work bench here is the results:

from left to right we have:

- Bishop of Ahkanar  by Degra:
This piece is a commission for a D&D player and I did a little conversion on demand, instead of the sledge hammer I put a sword, a small buckler behind.
Unfortunately this resin piece is really fragile, and so I decided to change the original chain on a metal chain for bracelets.
The nice thing about it is that the heads are interchangeable, one with a helmet ( the original one) and the other one I choose to put a younger head wich the old one was in the blister.
Not requested, I also made a base for exposing with a wood plint ( I'll put a a little tutorial on how to do it in the next future), in order to have the miniature game available, and then be able to store in its plinth.
Now all that's left is to give it the primer and paint!

- Don quixote de la Mancha by phlegyasart:
It's a really funny and beautiful piece of phlegyasart range who was half painted in a corner of my desk for a few months becasue commissions had come earlier..
and so with the fact that Lyon is close, why not..I'll do a final sprint and try to finish it ..

- Thordek by Aitna Model:
Yes, I'm incorrigible, I have at all costs to change something in a piece but I need to feel mine to paint it
In this case the changes are heavy..and I'm still on open water with the crossbow and the arms
"..ARMS?!!.. But this model has no arms?!" 
Don't worry guys you will see how it will come.
Anyway I want to congratulate with Marco "Gotrakk" Rizzotti for this interesting sculpture.
By his works you can understand his full love for Dwarfs.

- Lord Carver, BMMD, Esq III by Hordes - Privateer Press:
The last, but not least, is the one of the last miniatures painted for a quite big commission for gaming, 21 pieces of Minions by Ordes
It was long time since I didn't paint pieces of Privateer Press, and I can understand why, too much detailed, by the simple soldier to the biggest beast.
But just as fun and useful to got experience with various painting techniques.
I'll photograph the entire unit painted for your reference

Well, now I can say that the order has been restored in the desk at the moment..

..And after having tasted the freedom in my workyard and have played with the imagination, back to the sad reality of housework..Damn housework.

Good evening to all.
Cesare "Trevis_11" Trevisiol
Article and Pics by: Cesare "Trevis_11" Trevisiol

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