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lunedì 29 luglio 2013

Tour Demoniaque

Hi Guys
Here is one of my last commissions.

The legendary Tour Demoniaque of Mid-nor of the now disappeared Rackham.
This time my inspiration for the scene was taken from one of the 2D works of Bjorn Hurri
and below the work that made me opt for the idea of a field of grass in my scene.

I wanted to make, as much as possible, the effect of the changing, by green and pure grass and to slimy and died of Mid Nor,
If you are interested, I bought the grass from the stand by Marco Gravina, Maloma Games.
The more fine and thin I have ever found in the market, and that is perfectly suited to 28mm scale.

And now, on with the pics!

And here a bit of close up pics

And just a few pictures during the wip,

And here you can also see the procedure I used to put the grass

Be careful to proceed a little bit at a time, so as to cover with grass as well the desired part, to avoid to leave hole that will be difficult to cover without leaving the classic stain plasticky due to the glue
To be sure, try it first on an other surface, to understand well the drying time..

Let's start marking the outline of our figure on the base, just to have a reference.
Although the cool thing of the grass is that, even if a bit of grass goes on the designated place of the model, once attack our model at the base of the grass will be bended giving a dynamic and realistic trampled grass effect.

We put a bit of vynil glue, directly from the bottle at the point where we want to put the grass.
As I wrote before do little part a time

Now with an old brush dipped in water, stretch and diluite the glue a bit (this part allows us to clean and fix minor niggles also.)

Let's take a tuft of grass, taking care to smooth fine hair in one direction and to homogenize the side that will glue to the base.

Support the tuft ,about 45degrees tilt on the ground, so that the glue will absorb a little tuft of grass to.

We wait for the glue take a bit of grip on the grass (not dry..I recommend!)
It just need a few minutes
It was almost 5 in the morning, but it doesn't matter

And now with your finger make a slight pressure on the tuft and bring to 90 degrees tilt on the ground.

A few touches and pushes here and there to play on the grass tuft dynamism and voilà your little corner is ready..

Let dry and move on to the next part to be filled.

Just to wrap up, although I have no photos ..
Let everything dry at least a day, and then use the hair dryer directly on the grass, in order to pull off the stems are stuck badly.
Attention then, to paint the whole grass, DON'T GIVE the primer, and if you can use the airbrush.
With primer you will risk to paste the stems of grass between them, ruining all the work done.

And after the short guide, here are the links to Cmon for those who want support me by voting and commenting.
Thank you very much in advance!

Cesare "Trevis_11" Trevisiol

mercoledì 24 luglio 2013

Portal 33

Hello Guys

By this month, even though it was a few months ago that we were trying to do it, it has begun our collaboration with the e-magazine Portal by Wamp Forum

For this collaboration, I have to thank Andrea "Kraan" Buratta that load on the shoulders all the stuff and brought forward in a fabulous way, managing all his contacts and giving us a series of really complete and fascinating articles.

I also thank Carmine "Thor" Giuliano for his BIG sculpt work that has proposed and for his unpublished STEP by STEP pics.
Thank also becasue he was the intermediary, with one of the most interesting people that the world of Fantasy ever had, Paul Bonner ( than anything else I have to thank him for the time he has spent in his interview)

And finally, I have to include in the thanks Adam Parkhouse, for giving us the opportunity to present ourselves to everyone with our articles, in Portal, a Free e-magazine full of interesting contents.

Thank you Thank you Thank you.

Back to us and the e-magazine.

Here's what we find in this month in issue 33:

Our cover story and article features one of the biggest names in fantasy art, Mr. Paul Bonner, as well as a very thorough step by step sculpt of one of the largest kits of recent memory!
Other articles include ...
- Doing Nurgle-style freehands
- Crystal Brush report from Conrad Mynett
- Kickstarter updates
- Some interesting sneak previews of sculpts
- An in-depth interview with French sculptor / painter Christian Hardy
- A look at some old but nicely painted models!
-All the usual new releases and updates, etc..

- What to do to download Portal?

1 - Subscribe on Wamp forum (I recommend also to enroll not only for the magazine, but for the comunity, where you can meet very nice people,where you can share your pieces and got suggestion and trick to improve your skill, and for the contest online , almost one a month)
2 - enter the section of Portal magazine
3 - click Download to download the PDF file.

So without further ado, download it, also the back issued and spread this e-magazine

Cesare "Trevis_11" Trevisiol

domenica 21 luglio 2013

He wrote a letter.. Verduricchio 2013 by Kraan

Hello guys, this is my entry for Verduricchio 2013, a contest on Legiopictorum where every single painter use the same miniature, with just a limit on modifications (nothing serious allowed).
I was inspired by a famous song by a famous group. Who can guess?

Andrea "Kraan" Buratta

martedì 16 luglio 2013

Event: Monte San Savino 2013 is coming!

This year in Monte San Savino(Italy), lots of painters will come and enjoy a weekend under the sign of Miniatures and Food, and Drink.
We are going. And you..ARE YOU IN?

Here, just for fun, the nice and instructive trailer of the event by Tomaz

And spread the word with the banner

For all details of the event and news go to visit:

See you soon with more information!!!!
HysteriaYard Team

domenica 7 luglio 2013

Ebay Auction: Pro Painted El Marquez "Wanted" Bust

Hi Guys!

Here you are another piece on e-bay

El Marquez "Wanted" - Bust
Bust sculpted by Ivan Santurio and produced by Tale of War

Click here to go directly to the auction on Ebay

Happy bidding to everybody.

Cesare "Trevis_11" Trevisiol

mercoledì 3 luglio 2013

Workyard by Kraan 30th June

Hello guys,
this is what I am actually doing at the moment.

The first on the left is the Barbarian for the Verduricchio Aureo contest on Legiopictorum, then we have Aahl from Figone and an Absarokee Warrior from Pegaso Models.
As you can see I played a little bit with the airbrush to try some colors and some directional lighting (first and second figure).
As you can see, the photo was taken on the 28th of June, but in these days I worked a lot on some of these figures.
Hopefully the Barbarian and the Indian will be done soon.
Andrea "Kraan" Buratta